Here are our leading and high quality products in hemodialysis category

FIRAPY Far Infrared Therapy Unit TY-102/TY-602
Firapy (WS™ Far-infrared Therapy Unit) is intended used to improve vascular access function, including improving AVF maturation, decrease early failure rate of newly created AVF, improving AVF patency and blood flow; improving AVG patent period between 2 intervention.
It also may be used for temporary relief of muscle and joint pain, stiffness and spasm by temporary increase in local blood circulation and muscle relaxation at where the treatment is applied.
- Application
- Hemodialysis, The quality of fistula is related to the quality of hemodialysis, and the quality of hemodialysis is related to the patients’ quality of life. Firapy (WS™ Far-Infrared Therapy Unit) can play an important role in each stage and help to improve the quality of fistula
- Wound Healing, is a complex and dynamic process of replacing devitalized and missing cellular structures and tissue layers. Firapy can help improve edema, formation of granulation tissue, Ischemic tissue blood supply, Chronic inflammation, wound healing time.

Hicicha Hollow Fiber Dialyzer (High / Mid-Low Flux)
- High clearance rate, can remove medium to large molecules
- Good biocompatibility to prevent clotting
- Strong mechanical structure that can be used for reuse
- Reduces protein adsorption, so that it can continue its function during the dialysis time
- Easy priming and backwash
- Does not contain BPA and DEHP
- Hemocare dialyzer divided into 2 series: High Flux and Mid-Low Flux series with membrane area 1.4 ~ 2 m2
- UFR ranges from 20 to 70 mL/hr/mmHg
Hicicha Disposable A.V. Fistula Needle Sets
- Medical grade PVC tubing
- Oval eye design
- Ultrathin and siliconized wall
- Fixed wing design from 15G ~ 17G short & long gauge models

Hicicha Arterial Tubing Sets for Hemodialysis
- Medical grade PVC tubing minimizes side effect to health
- Good usability, easy to use
- Sterilization by E.O. gas
- There are 3 types of tubing with or without IV Set

Hicicha Venous Tubing Sets for Hemodialysis
- Medical grade PVC tubing minimizes side effect to health
- Good usability, easy to use
- Sterilization by E.O. gas
- There are 3 types of tubing with or without IV Set
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